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Jessica Testimony

Before coming to the Bible school in August of last year I thought I knew God and thought my relationship with him was good enough. However, after being a part of this ministry for several months now I realized that I really didn’t have a relationship with God at all, but merely a knowledge of who he was and what I needed to do to get to heaven. From spending so much time in God’s word this year I have seen dramatic changes in almost every area of my life, however the most amazing change that I have seen is my life has been my boldness to speak the gospel freely and stand up for it among people who mock it. When I began to study the word on who I was in Christ, I received the revelation and relationship with God that I had always been longing. Since then I have been able to stand up against my family and people in my life that have mocked the gospel with the boldness and authority that I have in Christ Jesus. I knew for a long time that God had a calling on my life but I never had the boldness and authority to I needed in order to fulfill God’s call on my life. However, now that I have the knowledge I need through the study of God’s word I know with assurance that I have the ability and boldness to do anything God has called me to do through Jesus.

Myrtice Testimony

Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am a first year student and I must say that this school is nothing like I anticipated; it is much, much more.  The bible comes alive because the Spirit of God is always there in the midst of us.

First of all I would like to thank God for my father in the Lord, Pastor Brown because he is a disciple indeed and faithful servant, and father in the Lord

I often prayed, God I want to come closer to you.  At River Bible Institute you hear the word every day.  It’s not just hearing it, when the word falls on good ground, it will produce fruit.  We are put to work to bring in the harvest of souls, and help the poor.  I was pressed and sometimes I actually wondered if I would really make it because I felt so inadequate, but the more I pressed and asked God to help me, He kept showing up.  All of the teachers teach the word with power, and give assignments that will make you fall on your knees for help and cause you to dig deeper in the word for answers from the only one that can help you, God.  The seed was sow and planted deep in my heart.  Even when I felt like giving up, I couldn’t.  I asked God to anoint my ears because I want to hear, understand and take heed to His word.  I love reading books, but I had stopped reading like I had in the past, now every semester we have books to read.  We have five books to read in this semester.  It is challenging, but very rewarding.

If you have ear to hear you will grow, because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God which is full of power.  The opportunities at RBI are endless, and you are not held back.

Rodney Howard Browne – Karen Testimony

his past month has been a huge blessing to my life. I have grown and been shaped in so many ways, while coming to the end of the school year. May Minister’s and Leader’s Conference has been amazing. It has taught me how important it is to prepare for eternity and set my spirit in place to be strong in the future. It has also showed me how much we must pray for America and for the souls of the lost. There are many unholy people in our government and in politics and in leadership in this country. And I see so much more now, how important it is for the righteous to stand together in unity, prayer, finances, and boldness in this hour that we are in. I feel very close to eternity. Being a part of this ministry and sitting under the anointing and the powerful teachings of Pastor Rodney has prepared me and equipped me for a lifetime of living in the Spirit. The principles of sowing and reaping taught by Pastor Corey this week was also life changing. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are rich! The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just and we receive it now! Being an intern has taught us so many things about finances in the ministry – beginning with living on faith and trusting God. He has supernaturally come through for us in everything and now, there is nothing that we cannot come into agreement on and believe Him for!


Rodney Howard Browne – Terrence Testimony

We must prepare ourselves to take on these realms knowing that resistance and persecution will come, but this is our end time mandate and we cannot back down. Wicked men privately plot the downfall of this nation and the nations of the world but God is giving us a window to rise up and take on these realms and bring in the harvest of souls. Pastor Cory from Turkey exposed the truth about money what it is, how it came about, and what its true value is. After hearing him minister on these things I thought to myself, how can anyone have a love for money? I thank God for the knowledge that He has allowed us to receive concerning money, the banking system, and the plots that are set against the nations of the world. We as the church have the upper hand to maneuver through the traps that are set to bring people into bondage and stand victorious when everything begins to unfold. The world will need somewhere to go and they will see the church as the place to run to in crisis as a safe refuge and to get their needs met.


Rodney Howard Browne – Carole Testimony

It’s a miracle for me to be here in Tampa, at this phase of time in my life. God is Faithful. I didn’t have any idea on ever being able to go to Bible School!  Now that I’m here, they’ll have to run me off!!  From retirement, to this place, has definitely been a battle with that old flesh.  Stretching is an understatement!  Now, the reason I’m so thankful I came:  I love this country.  I fought for this country.  So much, I spent 15 years drinking, morning to night, tormented by the war demons. I could not function, didn’t want to!  I can tell you all about tormentors!! I went to the mountains to hide out….BUT GOD….. Since I’ve been here, my HOPE has been restored.  Hallelujah!  Sitting under the uncompromised Word, daily, soaking in the Anointing has not only been refreshing, but yoke destroying, to say the least.  I must say here, that for you out there, that were like me, and have been hurt in several churches, and still searching, NEVER give up!  The truth is, if your heart’s after God, He flat won’t let you!!


Rodney Howard Browne – Angela Testimony

Love conquers all. So His anointing has been evident in my life, but the free flow of His spirit has not. The Lord is showing me how to walk the way that Jesus did so that I can share in His love and freedom. So that His light can shine brightly and others can be reconciled to Him through me. I always wondered why I could not experience His fullness in my everyday life. I wondered why certain strongholds would not lift. I had an earnest desire to see God move in the way His word promised for His children. I have come to understand through the word that the fruit of the Spirit is necessary to produce the character of God in my life.


Rodney Howard Browne – Devotha M. Testimony

It is a miracle that i am here today at the Bible school, three months ago i was in Huntsville, Alabama. With God Grace i am here today. Since I got here my life has been radically changed. It is one this to read about believing God to provide for my life and it is another thing to have ti live it. Three weeks ago i had to quit my job which povided security for me and my children and come to Bible school. I almost did not come because i was to worried about my kids and i though it was impossible for me to do it, But I can truly say it today with God nothing is impossible. I obey my God and let go of my Job and i surrender my life and my children to God completely.

The day i joined the school some people thought i have lost my mind but i did not care much what they think, i care what Lord my God think of me. One week after the Bible school started the Lord gave me a Job which was perfect for the school schedule and more than that He gave me a Job that is

Five dollars more than what i was getting paid an hour in my former Job. I am telling you i said five dollar more an hour Halelujah, Glory to God. I know now without a doubt the my God is my provider nd He is always on time. One more thing i was very afraid to pray for people but now not only i can not wait to see God move, everyone i have prayed with in call center and Soul winning time for healing, they received instant healing.

It gets better i work at night when i am at work i speak in Tounges all night and I as the Lord be real to me and I believe He is  real person of Jesus, He will feel me with His heavy presence my whole body receive shocks and i will feel Him holding my Hand like a Father leading a Child, I am having a blessing with the Lord in my whole life i knew the God of the Bible but now i know the one who comes to me all the time even during classes. God you are Good my Lord, you are too Good to me, Thank you for RBI and thank you for Pastor Rodney and the whole Church Lord…..

Rodney Howard Browne – Priscilla M. Testimony

For me the first two weeks of the RBI revival, I was in Texas planning not to attend my second year of RBI. I had already signed up for another school there making other arrangements. So coming into the second week of revival, I knew I was to come back. Like as if God shook me and woke me to come. two days before I knew I was to come my oldest brother gave me his car, which I had been expecting a car because God had me sow my car into someones life last year in school.

So then I was blessed with gas money to get down here and me and my younger brother drove down here in faith not knowing how it would work out or where we would live and arrived to Tampa at the end of the second week.  When we got here I felt the peace of God and have felt it ever since, because I obeyed the Holy Ghost. The full week that I was here was when Pastor Rodney preached all week on the subject of giving, and some people were like ok it’s good but do we need a whole week of it. And yes we do because money is everything in this world, things are everything in this world, we are constantly surrounded by it and challenged by it daily.

So daily we have to give it all to God for it not to be a god in our life. So it really hit me hard and I can say that I will never be the same from that week and especially the day where it broke on the whole school. So i can say that i will never be the same again on giving and the heart of my giving. I cant imagine myself not here this year and the breakthroughs that have happened and are still to come….

Rodney Howard Browne – Heimo T. Testimony

My wife and came here from Finland to spend a second year at RBI. During the first year we didn’t have much. We shared an apartment with two other students and we usually walked to school. That was four years ago. This time God has blessed us more than enough!!!

Before we came from Finland, we agreed to switch cars with two Finnish River members, who went to Finland to minister for 9 months. Then a friend of ours received us to her home until we can find a permanent solution. After one week I got a part-time position at the IT department of RMI, which made it possible for us to live in our own apartment this time! We are so grateful for that!

Then when we talked with some friends of ours, they told us that they are starting a traveling ministry and that they are selling all their furniture! So now we’ve got all the furniture we need also! God is so good 🙂

We are so thankful to God that we can be part of a church that is full of the fire of God and whose focus is souls! There are not many that kind of churches in Finland at the moment. Here we can both receive from God and serve Him, and be part of the Great Awakening! This is really an oasis for us!! We feel that God called us here to get refreshed, get full of the word and the fire of God and then be launched to our destiny…..Heimo T.

Rodney Howard Browne – Kimberly R. Testimony

What has the Lord done for me/in me in the past two weeks you ask? Where do I begin? He has done a work in pretty much all the major areas in my life, from boldness for soul winning, to supper natural provision, to family members coming to church and seeing a change in me.

Jorge was a dear friend of mine back in the day. How ever it’s been years since we’ve seen or heard from each other.  For some reason he had been on my mind for the past few weeks. Well, two Saturdays ago I went soul winning with the church in some apts. Low and behold Jorge answered the door! When we saw each other we couldn’t believe our eyes I started crying as he asked what I had been up to and where I had been hiding lol I answered with tears in my eyes, Jorge has anyone ever told you that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. He accepted Jesus. It wasn’t until we were on our way back to church that my team told me they had knocked on his door and he refused to pray with them but they prayed with his father who also lives with him and his father accepted Jesus and also was baptized in the Holy Ghost! He used our friendship to draw him in! Talk about a divine appointment!